
Our latest news

Connect Your BIM Model to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in 2025 - Do Not Miss Out!

How to integrate data from BIM models into ERP processes and why is it Crucial in the Construction Industry in 2024?  


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Other news

Mauris iaculis urna id nulla malesuada elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices lobortis elit at elit.


collaborall op de Digibouw

We zijn prominent aanwezig op de Digibouw, het 2-daags event waar digitalisering en bouw samenkomen.


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marktinnovatiedag DigiC

DigiC is aanjager van digitalisering binnen de circulaire bouw. Ze stimuleren innovatie, publiek-private samenwerking en kennisdeling om samen de circulaire bouw in Nederland te versnellen.


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collaborall op Smart City Expo 2024 in Barcelona

Together with our esteemed partners—Goudappel and TNO, —we’re thrilled to showcase how the DMI-ecosysteem collaboration is helping the municipalities like Gemeenten Apeldoorn, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen, Amerfoort, Breda to tackle their urban development challenges. As part of this initiative, we’ll present our Urban Environment Management App at the Smart City Expo & Congress from November 5-7 in Barcelona.


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